Inspiration to Make it Through

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Case of Soul Recognition?

Ever wonder how it is that we are instantaneously drawn to some people, feel only lukewarm toward others and are downright repelled by others still?

Could it be that our soul essence recognizes friends and beloveds from past lives, dream worlds or other levels? It certainly seems to be so.

When Rumi first encountered his major mentor, Shams i Tabriz, in a city square, he was a well-regarded, if conventional, sacred scholar. One look at Shams and Rumi fell right down on the ground in a faint! The two became inseparable friends after that.

Surely you can think of one or two times in your life when you've been touched by the magical brush of instantaneous connection? Perhaps you were even blessed to be able to develop a friendship or relationship with such a person, finding the companionability to grow even sweeter over time. The fact that such things can even happen seem to be clear indicators that the Universe has certain experiences reserved just for us, personally.

Here's a video from National Geographic of a hound and an orangutan who hit it off unabashedly, after regarding each other for a couple of minutes. Their sense of mutuality and playfulness, I hope, will be an inspiration to remind us that, yes, we do belong.


  1. Thanks, Dri! I'm tempted to sing.. "You Ain't nothin' but a Hound Dog!" but I will have to come up with some better, more appropriate lyrics... :D

  2. Not only do souls recognize each other, but I find they often have major jobs to do together, and sometimes being drawn positively is even harder than repulsion, because it leads us to streatch so far beyond ourselves. Instant positive attraction can set us up for great expectations, but if we are aware of this likelihood we are less apt to be blindsided.
    Past life regressions can be enlightening!I think of instant positive attraction as the exhilaration of riding the rapids.
